Leonore Bovy

Leonore Bovy

Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience and Data Scientist in public health

Sleep and Memory lab - Donders Institute

Das Institut für angewandte Gesundheitsforschung (InGef)

Hi! My name is Leonore and I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Sleep and Memory lab at the Donders Insitute in Nijmegen, the Netherlands and a data scientist at InGef in Berlin, Germany.

My postdoctoral research is mainly focused on the role of sleep and memory in depression. More specifically, we’re exploring the role of schema memory in mood-congruent memory bias in major depression and how sleep can contribute to these processes. In addition, we’re looking into the influence of lucid dreaming and mood.

Next to that, I analyse German health data, working on health economics and pharmacoepidemiology-related projects.

I use R and Rstudio daily to do data wrangling, build statistical models, and data visualization. I am always interested in learning about the newest available technologies, currently focusing on improving my machine learning skills.

  • Statistical modeling
  • R programming
  • Sleep & Memory research
  • Data visualization
  • PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience - with distinction, 2020

    Radboud University/ Donders Institute

  • Msc in Cognitive Neuroscience - with distinction, 2015

    Radboud University/ Donders Institute

  • BSc in Psychology, 2013

    Maastricht University
